Monday, November 24, 2008

Babies and Botox

Life has been busy, busy good not bad. The kids have been generally healthy with a few sniffles so far, which always makes life easier.

My brother Kevin and his wife are expecting their baby girl today. My poor sister in law has been in labor now for close to 20 hours, and their little girl still wants to stay inside a bit longer. I pray that she comes in the next few hours to give Mama's body some rest. For all of you who have children, you know what a blessing they are, but getting them into this world, anyway you do it, can sometimes be difficult. I find parenting to be the most humbling experience ever, more so than marriage. Kids don't always do what you want them to flash news flash. They often times embarrass you at a store by throwing a tantrum, if it hasn't happened to you consider yourself lucky. My brother and sister in law will learn like all of us, the joys and the struggles, but also the rewards of these beautiful human beings.

Evan received Botox shots in his calf muscles on Friday. It was not an easy appointment at all. None of them are really, but you hope the decision you make as a parent will be the right one. You have to take a risk for the greater good of your child, but it does not come without guilt. Evan received Versed to relax him, but 3 of us still had to hold him down to get 3 shots in each calf muscle. He experienced some flu like symptoms over the weekend which is normal, and this morning he started having trouble walking, which is also normal until they realize how to use the muscle again without the tone. Overall he is doing well. He will be evaluated in a month to see how he is doing, along with ongoing physical therapy.

Grace had her Thanksgiving program this morning. It was cute with the feather paper hats and paper bag vests. She decided to bow after every song, which was hilarious and adorable all at the same time.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving....until next time.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Happy Veterans Day/Happy Birthday Marine

Today is Veterans day. Yesterday was the Marine Corps Birthday. This time of year is very special to our family. Yes, that is my Marine in the picture above. Once a Marine always a Marine. We have been together for nearly 15 years (married 12 1/2) He was in the Marine corps for almost 8 years before having to get out for having ulcerative colitis. That means we have spent 1/2 our life together in the military and the other 1/2 out. There has always been challenges no matter what. In the military we really had to rely on each other and our friends. We had no family near us, and David was deployed for over 1/2 the time he was in. We were young, newly married, and didn't have much in the way of money or possessions. It didn't matter though, because we had each other and we were so blessed by God. David served his Marine Corps well. I will never forget that chapter of our life and am so thankful for the many friends me met along the way. Now life presents new challenges to us every day. Even though he is home, he is a busy man finishing his masters degree and working hard at his job. We have 2 awesome children, both with very unique personalities. I was talking to David the other day that in 2 years we will have been together, longer than we haven't been together. I am so proud of you David, for all you did for our country, and all you do for our family now. You are loved and respected more than you know.