This week was our first week back "full time". With the two week recovery time for Evan, we have been home more, and there has been fewer appointments. Evan has recovered well. His cold probably made him feel worse than he actually felt from the surgery, but he powered through it all. Waking him up in the middle of the night for meds was not a fun time for him, but I am thankful that it was only temporary. We saw his ENT last week and he had a clean bill of health. We started up with speech therapy through Doernbecher again, and Early Intervention. His speech pathologist at the hospital was thrilled with the way he sounded, and said that she had never heard anyone sound this good post-op. That gave me some hope. Then his EI teacher said that the sounds he produced on Tuesday brought tears to her eyes. I have noticed in the past week, that his final sounds are coming through more, and he is actually saying more of the pressure sounds in his words, without trying. I know we still have a long way to go, but so far I am happy we did what we did. You never know when you make these choices, if things will turn out. All I can do is keep my faith that Evan will be healed and talk like a normal little boy someday. We are still continuing PT with him. We are currently working on walking up steps alternating feet. We will also try BOTOX one more time on the 20th.
David finished his term on Saturday, with a new one starting on Friday. It is already time to start ordering for graduation, so there is an end in sight. He graduates on Father's day this year.
Grace is interested in reading more and more each day. She will start a reading class at school in a few weeks. She also is getting better and better at riding her bike. She is a lot of fun to watch. We hope to get her into ballet this Fall. She is very interested in dancing. Grace still has quite the imagination, and has become quite the artist, always making some art work for us, and hanging it in various places in the house. She is currently working on making all of her Valentines this year for all of her friends at preschool. She cut out the hearts and everything. Her latest funny saying is "I am so good, I scare myself".
I am keeping the home fires burning. I am trying to get on top of my photo album projects, since I am almost a year behind. We bought a new camera a few weeks ago, so I know I will have so many better pictures this year. I have already captured some great shots. We visited my brother and sister in law and my new niece last weekend. Grace and Evan both took turns holding her. We had a great time visiting. The kids have become really great travelers. Thank goodness for the DVD player in the last half of our trips.