The last two weeks have been filled with Birthdays, and more fun with the house. On the 14th we celebrated Aidan's Birthday in Ellensburg at a local gym. The kids had a ton of fun. On our way home, our contractor informed us that we also had a leak coming down the pipe of our chimney going to our wood stove. Apparently whoever installed the fireplace 30 years ago, knew about the leak and and shoved a flower garbage can up in the ceiling to catch the slow leak. You wouldn't want to fix it though, right? So now, the bathroom shower floor, that lead to getting a new ceiling because it was leaking has now lead to taking out our wood stove (that was no longer working anyway but we were going to take it out at a later date). So here is a scope of what this project is now:
*Replacing the lower half of our shower with new tile, and a new floor
*A new ceiling downstairs (no more popcorn ceiling)
*Taking out our wood stove, rock wall and floor, and paneling, and replace with new drywall and texture
*Take out carpet and replace with pergo since we would
have to try to patch a big piece of carpet
*Paint the family room walls and ceiling
*Take out chimney, and patch roof areas...this requires a dry day :-)
The goods new out of this, it is one less room to do later. The bad new is, we were not expecting it, but are thankful that David has a job and we can use some resources. It will open our family room up a lot for more usable options, possibly having another couch, or moving a desk downstairs. I am looking forward to getting it done and changing the decorations a little bit in there, since there will be more wall space now.
On the 16th came Grace's 5th Birthday. We had her open gifts and then took her to Chuck E Cheeses to play games, and then Red Robin for dinner. On Wednesday of that week I took cupcakes in to her preschool class. She had a ton of fun being "Star of the week". On Saturday we celebrated her Birthday with family and a few of her friends with a Hello Kitty theme. She loved the day, except for when we sang Happy Birthday wrong to her (without saying Cha cha cha) She began to cry in the middle of the song, so we sang Happy Birthday again with Cha cha cha. She was happy then. The best gift for Grace was probably her very own fish. It is a purple Beta and it is a boy, but she thinks it is a girl so we leave it at that. Her name is "Fluffy".
Now we are on to spring break. I had jury duty yesterday and got out of it since the trial was supposed to last through at least Friday, and that was not going to work for me. The contractors are back and trying to get this project moving a long, with a few hiccups, but I am confident they will get it done soon. They did our summer project and it turned out great. I am waiting for the weather to start improving so we can get some yard work done and start enjoying our great backyard that was completed last summer.