Evan as Buzz Lightyear
Grace as Supergirl
Grace as Supergirl
The past week of October has been a doozy for us. On Sunday night the 22nd, Grace came down with a 102 degree fever and a cough. When David got home on Monday night from work, he was feeling ill, and had a fever too. Everyone laid around all week. Evan got sick Wednesday night, and by Friday morning he seemed to be doing better. David also kicked his fever on Friday morning. Grace was still coughing horribly with a high fever, so I finally took her to the Dr. on Friday night, and she ended up having pneumonia. She is perking up quite nicely and went back to school. Evan, however came down with a fever again last night, and we are hoping it does not return tonight. The Dr's we spoke to, all thought it was H1N1. I had a Dr. appointment with my obgyn on Friday, and told her my woes, so she got me started on Tamiflu...and so far, I have been healthy. The Mama has no time to be sick! Anyway, that was our fun filled week. We are praying for good health the rest for the season.