Happy 6th Birthday Evan |
Newborn Evan |
1 year old Evan |
2 year old Evan |
3 year old Evan |
4 year old Evan |
Mommy and Evan...5 years old. |
A mother of two children, a wife of an adventurous husband and a woman still trying to find her place in this world.
Gracee's last day of 1st grade |
Gracee and Evan at the carnival on the last day of school |
Gracee and her friend Carolyn |
Gracce and me on the last day of school |
Silly glasses on David's Birthday |
David and Gracee on his Birthday |
David and Evan on David's Birthday |
Me and David on his Birthday |
Gracee loved this swing at the camp ground |
Evan and David fishing |
Ryan and David fishing |
Gracee's teeth before the were extracted |
Western day for Evan at school |
My little cowboy |
Me and Kate getting some vitamin D at the pool |
Kate and Dody playing dress up with Gracee |
Kate and Dody on her last day visiting |