Thursday, May 17, 2012

April and May have been crazy so far.  I am trying to enjoy it all, but in the busyness sometimes you forget.  We decided to go to the NW this summer to see family, but have a busy 5 weeks until we leave.  Here are the highlights of the last 2 months.
Evan and Grace Dying Easter Eggs

Evan on Easter

Grace and Evan on Easter

Beach time...Mama and Gracee

Evan in the Sand

Our butterfly kite

Beach time

Evan ready to head home

Evan at Storm Night

Don't more pic in the sand

Bridal Show

Bridal show with Kristen

Some cool flowers

Evan spring photo

Gracee spring photo

Gracee at the Mother's day tea

Park time-Grace

Park time-Evan

David playing softball

Evan and me Mother's day kinder program

Evan and his buddy Selah

How is my good friend April 40?

Mother's day tea with Gracee

Evan is graduating Kindergarten!