Thursday, June 19, 2008

Stupid people, Stupid comments

I will admit it, as I have gotten older I have gotten a bit more sensitive to what people say to me, especially where my children are concerned. It may not be something that would normally make me mad, it may just be the day I am having. But I have had a lot of stupid people, stupid comments in my life this week. Even when you are pretty much trying to shut them off from asking something else stupid, they still turn around and open their mouths again. It is amazing how your mouth can get you in trouble. Everyone is guilty of it at some point. Some people have no professionalism, or tact though. At what point do you complain about it, or just keep it to yourself? The garbage that I put up with this week, still has me stewing, which is not how I like to live my life. I really work hard to not be that person anymore. If you are one of those people that are just curious, and has a hard time keeping your mouth shut, think real quick before you speak. You should be able to ask people questions, especially those you love and care about. But if it is a perfect stranger, is it really your business to know their business, and frankly is knowing their business going to really matter to you in the long run....something to think about.

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