My Dad and Mom at their 35th wedding anniversary party, 2 years ago.
I spent last Thursday-Saturday with my parents and sister at the University of Washington hospital. As previously posted, my Dad was there to have a liver resection after cancer was found in his gallbladder in April. The surgery was delayed a day due to other surgeries that were more complicated, and transplants that came up. Obviously we were all disappointed especially my father, as he was ready to have his surgery on Thursday. I wouldn't say patience is my families strong suit, but God sure has a sense of humor in teaching us that it is always his timing, and not ours. I have learned that more and more each day I live, that stressing out, worrying and all of the like is really energy that is wasted. I am thankful that my husband rolls with the punches more, and I learn from him in most of these types of situations.
My Dad ended up having his surgery on Friday night. It took about 4 1/2 hours. He has a huge scar in the shape of the letter J, with 37 staples. The doctor could not detect anything with the human eye, and we are waiting for the pathology report to come back next week to see if there is any cancer that was missed. We will then know my father's options, and have more of a clear plan of what will happen next. He went home yesterday, and is doing well so far. I am thankful for the time I had with my family. Watching people you love go through cancer, or any major type of surgery, disease, syndrome, illness or job loss is not easy. I am not saying that my life has been rough because I somehow get through it all one day at a time, just like everyone else, but I have seen a lot of things in my life to people that I love and care about. When talking with my mother one day, I realized how much faith I have. God is a Sovereign God. He created the heavens and the earth: everything whatsoever that exists. He has power over all things. He gives whatever he chooses to whomever he pleases. Nothing exists or occurs without his permission. You can not go through life as a believer and not have increased faith when going through a crisis. There is always something more at every bend in life. With pain, there is happiness, and with tears there is joy. Some days just plain suck. There are no do overs. At the end of the day, God still has a master plan for your life.