Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Pathology report

The kids with my parents over Grace's Birthday weekend in March
David and I at the Papa's Pizza fundraiser for ACS!

Today my parents went to Seattle to have the staples removed after my Father's surgery and to find out the results of the pathology report. The report was great! There were no more signs of cancer. The surgeon indicated he may still have to have chemo as a precaution. They will meet with the Oncologist in a few weeks, after my Dad heals a little more. The good news is, this is the best news we could have gotten. Praise the Lord!

Last night we attended a fundraiser for the American cancer society at Papa's Pizza. A friend of the family lost her little girl to cancer 2 years ago when she was two, and has since been raising money to find a cure for cancer. We invited David's softball team to come too, since their game was the same evening and right next door. I am waiting to find out how much was raised, but it seemed to be a good turnout. Fifty percent of the food you purchased went to ACS.

Thanks again to all of you that are have been praying for our family.

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